An appealing stone character cottage in a rural setting surrounded by fantastic scenery
Services: Mains water and electricity are connected. Connection to private sewage treatment plant. Oil fired under floor heating.
Council Tax: We are informed by North Yorkshire Council that the property is business rated but currently receives 'zero rated' small business relief.
Tenure: We are advised by the Vendors that the property is freehold and that vacant possession will be given upon completion.
Viewing: Strictly by appointment through the Agents Messrs Rounthwaite & Woodhead, Market Place, Pickering. Telephone 01751 472800
Directions: Once in the village of Rosedale, take the road towards Chimney Bank. Turn right opposite the White Horse Inn, onto Thorgill Lane and the property is situated on the left hand side just a few hundred yards from this junction and next to Rosedale golf course.